What is insomnia?
Insomnia (or sleeplessness) is a sleep disorder in which a person can not come or where the duration of sleep is insufficient sleep. Many people encounter intermittent problems when they go to bed but can not fall asleep. Also, one can wake up at night and are not resume sleep. This creates a disruption in sleep patterns which one is not sufficiently equipped or relaxed upon waking. This can manifest itself in a repeat of disturbance and light sleep. The disease has a major impact on a person’s productivity and quality of life. Insomnia is a condition in itself, but can also be a symptom of various systemic disorders and psychological. In addition, a lack of sleep itself can also lead to psychological and systemic disorders. Insomnia is in SanskritNidra-naasha‘Named. In Ayurveda, it is described as a condition that is caused by degradation of the ‘Vata’ dosha(One of the three bio-humors). Acute insomnia may, chronic or temporary.
Vata, Pitta and Kapha the three bio-humors that all physical functions of the body regulate. A normally functioning Kapha provides a healthy sleep, while different reasons different types of insomnia cause increased Vata and Kapha reduced.
Animal, Raja and Tama are the three qualities of mind. It is essential for healthy sleep Tama, while Raja is responsible for an interrupted sleep and early waking. In most patients, insomnia is a symptom of a systemic or psychological disorder. With fifty percent of diagnosed cases of insomnia, there is psychological problems which the Raja of mind is increased. Psychological factors such as anxiety, anxiety, rage, envy, spanning, stress, and so on, increase this Raja property of our psyche, which in turn can lead to poor sleep and insomnia.
In disorders such as hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland), rheumatoid artritis, restless legs (RLS), Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and menopause is increased Vata. These disorders often lead to insomnia therefore. Other conditions that cause insomnia are: reduced Kapha due to an improper diet and malnutrition, weakness by different causes acute, chronic exhaustion and degenerative diseases.
Indigestion, heartburn, frequent urination, etc. may also lead making a healthy night’s sleep is disturbed, as well as pain, unhygienic place to sleep, loud noises, bright lighting, disturbances of the circadian rhythm (circadiaanritme) by night services, Late parties, jetlag, and so on, cause insomnia.
All the above causes, directly or indirectly increase the Vata and Kapha and Raja and reduce the lead to insomnia. The treatment of insomnia consists hetwegnemen the cause (calming Vata Dosha and Raja) and restoring the normal balance of Kapha and Tama properties of thespirit. Depending on the cause, there are several tools available to achieve this balance. As mentioned earlier, insomnia in many cases an additional symptom of systemic diseases psyschologische. A diagnosis of the underlying cause of the sleep disorder is, therefore, extremely important and constitutes the first step in its treatment. A good history and a thorough physical, systemic, pathological and psychological examination of the patient is essential for an accurate diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is established, are treating and eliminating the underlying cause is the best remedy.
An underlying condition does not always have to be the cause of insomnia. The Dosha could damage also disturbed by unhealthy diets, a wrong lifestyle and seasonal factors. Our body has a natural alarm system that emits a signal at even the smallest imbalance in our bio-humors. Ignoring these small disturbances in the balance of the doshas or poor care of it eventually leads to an accumulation of problems and a worsening of the complaint (s) / disease (s) which subsequently sleeplessness occurs. Consult your Ayurvedic doctor and ask for diet advice and tips to improve your lifestyle. In addition, your Ayurveda specialist can advise you in daily and seasonal regimen based on your overall health. This helps to prevent insomnia cure as well.
In treating insomnia and sleep problems, it is also important to pay attention to a number of environmental- and health factors. The natural balance of the dosha is Kapha. This was at a young age and dominant tendency in aging for Vata. This means that at higher age (especially from sixty years) a natural tendency to sleep less. People who are naturally a dominant Vata dosha have, are more likely to suffer from Vata disorders. Also insomnia falls below. The dominance of dosha usually changes with the changing seasons. In winter the nights longer allowing people often sleep longer. In the summer, people naturally sleep less precisely because of the long nights and short intense sunlight during daytime. In the rainy season the Vata dosha usually becomes weakened and you run a greater risk of Vata disorders and thus insomnia. At night, balancing the Kapha and Tama are naturally. Our biological clock regulates our day- circadian rhythm based on our daily habits. A disruption in our natural rhythm brings dosha easily unbalanced and cause falling asleep and waking up early.
A good diet is a good step towards a healthy sleep. Thus, each nutrient own specific effect on the balance of the doshas in the body. Foods such as buffalo milk increases naturally the Kapha and Tama. Other foods such as raw onions increases Raja. Coffee, tobacco, nicotine and so again the contrast increase Vata and Raja, while sesame oil reduces Vata dosha (calms). In healthy people, the excessive eating food generally discouraged as it often leads to increased Tama. However, people who suffer from insomnia have a shortage of Tama and Kapha due to an increase in Vata and Raja. When insomnia is why it is important to eat foods that promote the Tama and Kapha (especially at night). Food that promotes Vata and Raja can once again avoided. Consult an Ayurvedic doctor for a recommendation specific to your symptoms diet. Each food affects in any way the Tama or Kapha. Professional advice from an Ayurveda specialist is therefore always recommended before changing to a new diet.
Other therapies
Besides removing the cause, there are also a number of specific therapies and treatments are an effective means for insomnia. These therapies to restore the imbalance of Dosha and are popular among ayurveda specialists. Here are a number of treatments: Shirodhara is an Ayurvedic treatment that consists of a hoofdbegieting in which there is 10 to 20 minutes medicinal liquid, such as medicinal oil, milk, botermelk, Kanji etc. is poured while lying on the forehead. Shirobhyanga is a specialist and therapeutic head massage to treat psychological or mental problems. This medicinal oils are used which can work well on the head during the massage, scalp and hair. In addition, there is the Suffice it to. Basti is a enema (enema) gene with potent oils and kruidenextratcten administered to calm the Vata. In addition, Netra tarpan a therapy involving the eyes treated to relieve stress symptoms. At Anjana eyes are treated with medicinal Kajal in order to induce sleep. Abhyanga is a massage of the whole body with medicated oil and Udwartana the whole body gescrubd with healing powders after Abhyanga massage. In addition, Snana, the Bathing in normal or healing water that is brought to a comfortable temperature. And finally there is the Padabhyanga, a foot massage of medicinal oils in which the feet can be used with a special dish, which is made of one or more metallic massaged, to promote sleep.
All these treatments may be used alone or in combination with the appropriate living- and dietary recommendations made, so to calm Vata and reduce Raja. The added special herbs and techniques to increase Kapha and Raja, allowing you to sleep better weather and less affected by insomnia. In spite of the treatments described above (which may be partly also simple self-applied at home) is insomnia a condition that requires specialist support. Always consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor for advice on the appropriate treatment, techniques and therapeutic agents. Based on your specific symptoms, general health, (In) tolerance and environmental factors like your ayurvedic specialist help you with the preparation of a treatment plan that suits you. In addition, your Ayurvedic practitioner also Pranayama prescribe. Pranayama consists of breathing exercises and self-exercises. In combination with Yoga these exercises are effective against insomnia, they improve the overall physical and mental health and reduce stress and toxins.
Herbs and medicinal resources
Sleeping pills are not the solution in the treatment of insomnia. This is because all the sleep inducing drugs addiction and dependencecreate. Sleep Medication is prescribed in cases of acute insomnia in order to relieve the symptoms temporarily. In Ayurveda also describes many herbs that can help in the generation or improving sleep. The use of herbs instead of regular medication is no excuse. The self-administration of medicinal agents is not recommended and may even have immediate or delayed adverse effects on your health. Medicinal therapies and treatments must be under the supervision of a qualified physician, therefore, only followed. Alcohol is not a solution for insomnia. To prevent addiction to such agents. Ask your Ayurveda specialist health advice and apply the above advice in your life for a pleasant and healthy sleep.